Many people throughout the entire world spend quite a bit of time in a struggle with their inner self. Some people struggle more than others, while very few may not struggle at all. In the story we read, "The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven," the main character is battling an inner struggle that many people fight everyday; and that is who they are. The main character is a Native American who is trying to make it in the "white-man's world". He struggles to hold down a "normal" relationship with a white female and fails at doing so. Life for him is a struggle of whether he wants to live and make it in this "white-man's world" or fall and succumb to the stereotypical Indian that lives on the reservation. He does everything in his power to make it in the world, but somehow always falls back down to the stereotype of a drunk and angry Native American.
In the end of the story he moves back to the reservation and his relationship with his girlfriend is over, but for some odd reason he doesn't mind that and no longer cares to make it work. I feel like he finally wins the struggle with himself when deciding to follow the stereotypes and move back onto the reservation. It is never easy to try and figure out who you really are, and the main character just went with his instinct and stuck to the side that was more natural.
I feel that inner struggles are the worst kinds of stuggles to have. They are hard, make you question many of the choices you make, and you then become harder and harder on yourself. However, if you make the right decisions and just continue to live life to the best that you possibly can then that is all anyone can ask of you!
I agree with you that inner struggles are the worse kinds of struggles someone can have. It's harder to fight with yourself than it is to fight with others.